Jungle Jade Metaphysical Properties

Jungle Jade Metaphysical Properties

November 19, 20243 min read

Jungle Jade Metaphysical Effects

Jungle Jade Crystal

It’s impossible to summarize all of the effects of Jungle Jade, because there is simply no tangible way to measure them all. Jungle Jade can help you manifest any intention without limitation; it is the vantage point from which the crystal works from that differentiates it from other crystals. The key is, what you truly believe your crystal will assist you with, is where it will focus it’s attention. By understanding your crystal’s natural alchemy, you will learn how to work with it beyond the below suggestions for it to intimately assist you with your own divine alchemy.

Jungle Jade is a balancing and filtering crystal. So when you manifest with Jungle Jade, it will balance and filter out your physical, mental & emotional body to bring you into harmony with your spiritual journey, when you work with it regularly. It will also protect you and your inner child from trauma, while it helps you process it out of your system. Additionally, Jungle Jade will balance your internal ecosystem to help your energies flow with greater harmony, thus preventing internal energy blockages.

If Jungle Jade senses that your wish is not in alignment with what your Soul needs, it will filter out all of the fog in the way of you being connected with your true desire underneath it all. Once this has been discovered, Jungle Jade will help you balance the vision into creation, with your focus.

In addition to the properties listed herein, it is important to note that this crystal in Tower formation has accentuated targeting abilities. Towers are excellent center pieces for crystal grid work, as they concentrate energy. This tower will store and amplify energy from the grid and target it at a particular center when in use. This is an extremely effective stone to point towards your 3rd eye, Soma Chakra, and Heart Chakra, as well as any aches and pains in the body to break down blockages.

While it is important to note that Jungle Jade can assist you with any manifestation, it has a focus on the below areas. It will assist you in cleansing the below areas in order for your manifestation to more easily flow. If you perceive a blockage in any of the below areas, regularly meditate with Jungle Jade and invite it in to assist you with balancing these areas. Every time that you connect with crystal and ask for it’s assistance, make sure that you are also filling your Jungle Jade up with your love, gratitude, and appreciation too.


Sunlight: This crystal is generally safe in the sun, so long as the crystal is pure and untreated.

Water: Jungle Jade is safe to place under running water that is free from chemicals or additives. This crystal should not be submerged for extended periods of time.

Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra

Chakras: 3rd Eye, Soma & Heart Chakra

Mohs Scale Rating: 6/10

Spiritual & Psychic Benefits:

  • Encourages Your Inner Transformation Into Your True Spiritual Self

  • Encourages Insightful Dreaming

  • Renews Your Spiritual Wellness & Balance

  • Invokes Inner Transformation as you Discover Your Spiritual Nature

  • Stabilizes Spiritual Awakening

Mental & Emotional Benefits:

  • Brings Purity, Serenity & Nurturance

  • Stabilizes Emotions & Personality

  • Balances Mind & Body

  • Promotes Renewal & Rejuvenation

  • Helps Release Trauma & Anger Stuck in the Heart

  • Encourages Personal Growth & New Beginnings

Physical Benefits:

  • Detox, Filtration & Illimitation

  • Promotes Wellness in Kidneys

  • Fertility & Childbirth

  • Balances Water-Salt-Acid-Alkaline Ratio

  • Protects Children & Inner Child

  • Releases Trauma from the Body

These are the main properties of Jungle Jade, however, every crystal is truly limitless.

This limited edition Jungle Jade Tower Antojai Generator is in the AntojaiCrystalsbyJ Etsy Shop at a discounted rate! Your purchase is complete with the Antojai Generator Infusion plus a personal attunement to your new crystal. Check it out >here<

jungle jade

Interested in learning about powerful Antojai Alchemy Activated crystal generators? Learn more >here<.


  • Personal Discovery

  • Hall, Judy. The Encyclopedia of Crystals. 2nd ed., Octopus Publishing Group, 2013.

Infinite Love, Jaleen | IndiGold

Antojai Alchemist, Antojai Quantum Reiki Instructor, Spiritual Coach, Author, Publisher and Child of the Cosmos Jaleen aka IndiGold explores important revelations on the journey into self-discovery, wishing these reflections find your Soul's resonance to uplift you on your sacred journey.

Jaleen | IndiGold

Antojai Alchemist, Antojai Quantum Reiki Instructor, Spiritual Coach, Author, Publisher and Child of the Cosmos Jaleen aka IndiGold explores important revelations on the journey into self-discovery, wishing these reflections find your Soul's resonance to uplift you on your sacred journey.

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